E-Poster Presentation ESA-SRB-ANZBMS 2021

Characterizing endometrial stem/progenitor cells in menstrual fluid in women with and without endometriosis (#602)

Wentong Xu 1 2 , Caroline E Gargett 1 2 , Caitlin E Filby 1 2
  1. The Ritchie Centre and Centre for Reproductive Health, Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Clayton, VICTORIA, Australia
  2. Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Endometrial stem/progenitor cells identified in menstrual fluid (MF) and endometrial tissue are proposed to cause endometriosis.


We aimed to compare endometrial stem/progenitor cells in MF from women with and without endometriosis.


MF (day 2) from a menstrual cup (case n=5, control n=4; mean±SD: 34.7±9.6yrs) was collected. MF was dissociated to single cells, and leukocytes depleted using CD45 magnetic beads. Stem/progenitor cell proportions were determined by flow cytometry (%N-cadherin+ or SSEA1+ of EpCAMHiCD45-CD31- epithelial cells or %SUSD2+ from CD45-CD31- endometrial cells) and clonogenicity by colony forming assay.


There was no significant difference between epithelial (EpCAM+CD45-CD31-) cells in MF (case: 26.0±6.9%; control: 31.8±9.4%, p=0.29. Epithelial progenitor cells (SSEA1+ and/or NCAD+) and mesenchymal stem cells (SUSD2+) cells were found in all samples. There was no significant difference in epithelial progenitor cell populations in MF, for SSEA1+ (case: 2.5±3.2%; control: 2.2±2.0%, p=0.56), NCAD+ (case: 11.4±11.5%; control: 6.6±4.7%, p=0.90) or NCAD+SSEA1+ (case: 0.6±0.7%; control: 1.5±2.2%, p=0.40). There was no difference between %SUSD2+ in case and control MF (case: 11.2±7.4%; control: 9.9±5.0%, p>0.99). We noted a higher proportion of total viable CD45-CD31- endometrial cells in endometriosis MF compared to control MF after beading (case: 68.9±14.3%; control: 14.5±5.8%, p=0.02). Epithelial and stromal clonal efficiency appeared similar between control and endometriosis MF.


MF contains endometrial stem/progenitor cells in proportions that may reflect eutopic endometrium. An increased sample size/power may reveal differences of disease modelling potential.