E-Poster Presentation ESA-SRB-ANZBMS 2021

Prescription patterns and testosterone concentrations achieved with AndroForte 5 testosterone cream for trans and gender diverse individuals (#345)

Brendan J Nolan 1 2 3 , Satu Simpson 3 , Ling Li 3 , Peter Locke 3 , Jeffrey D Zajac 1 2 , Ada S Cheung 1 2
  1. Endocrinology, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
  2. Austin Health, University of Melbourne, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
  3. Equinox Gender Diverse Clinic, Thorne Harbour Health, Abbotsford, Victoria, Australia

Background: Masculinising hormone therapy with testosterone is used to align an individual’s physical characteristics with their gender identity. Standard testosterone doses and formulations recommended for cisgender hypogonadal men are typically administered, though there are no data evaluating the use of AndroForte 5 testosterone cream in gender-affirming hormone therapy regimens.

Aims: To assess the prescription patterns and serum total testosterone concentrations achieved with AndroForte 5 testosterone cream in trans and gender diverse individuals.

Methods: A retrospective longitudinal analysis was undertaken of trans individuals at a primary and secondary care clinic in Melbourne, Australia. Seventy-two individuals treated with AndroForte 5 testosterone cream were included. Primary outcomes were testosterone dose and serum total testosterone concentration achieved.

Results: Median age was 26 years (IQR 22-30) and median duration of testosterone therapy was 14 months (7-24). Fifty-two (72%) individuals had a non-binary gender identity. Initial mean (SD) testosterone dose was 70 (30) mg daily. Thirty-eight (53%) commenced doses <100mg daily, the recommended starting dose for hypogonadal cisgender men. Median total testosterone concentration achieved from 186 individual laboratory results was 11.1 nmol/L (7.5-15.9). Polycythaemia was documented in 9 of 171 (5%) laboratory results.

Conclusions: AndroForte 5 testosterone cream achieves serum total testosterone concentrations within the male reference range and represents an alternative route of testosterone administration for trans and gender diverse individuals seeking masculinisation. A high proportion of individuals had a non-binary gender identity, with over 50% commencing a lower dose than that administered to hypogonadal cisgender men, potentially related to slow or partial masculinisation goals.